Team of Sitters or an Individual Pet Sitter?

September 23, 2020
Amber Van Denzen

Team of Pet Sitters vs an Individual?

Many people like the idea of having just one pet sitter to take care of their pets, but what happens when that one person is unavailable, sick, on vacation or has an emergency that suddenly they cannot care for your pet(s)?

Because of this, at Atta Boy! Animal Care has a TEAM of sitters that are able to take over in the case of emergency and leaves you with never having to stumble around frantically to ensure your pets comfort and care is not compromised.

We have heard the following from clients who used other pet sitters before switching over to our service:

  • My pet sitter went on his honeymoon for 2 weeks and won’t be able to take care of my pets, can you help?

  • My pet sitter is pregnant/just had a baby and is no longer able to take care of my pets, can you help?

  • My pet sitter had an emergency at the last minute and I have no one to take care of my pets now, can you help?

  • My pet sitter ended up in a car crash once and never went to the visits, no one even knew she had pets to care for! I want to avoid that issue in the future, can you help?

Our answer is YES, of course we can help! We are a team of pet sitters and always will have someone to cover your scheduled visits.

With our online system, we have all of you and your pets information at our fingertips and can easily train another one of the pet sitters on our staff to do the visits with your pets at home, and make it as stress free as possible for you and your pets.

Your service is never missed because of a sitter emergency and you are not left in a panic, trying to find a pet sitter at the last minute. Plus, we have a 2 point check system so we can ensure your pets visits NEVER get accidentally missed and then go unnoticed!

At Atta Boy! Animal Care , we work as a team and cover for each other so that you are NEVER left hanging!

Your pets

get the benefit of wonderful care and you get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we are here for you WHENEVER you need us!

“Happy Pets, Happy People!”

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