How Long Can I Leave My Cat Alone?

March 15, 2021
Amber Van Denzen

How Long Can I Leave My Cat Alone? Reasons to Hire a Cat Sitter

Cat Pet Sitting
Atta Boy! Animal Care
Lakeland, Florida

Imagine staying home and cuddling your feline for the rest of your life! Every cat lover’s dream! Unluckily you have to leave them alone to fulfill your responsibilities. It’s okay! We all know our fur babies are independent animals.

But what is the borderline? A few hours, a day, a week, or how long do cats be alone? What about seeking professional help from a cat sitter in Lakeland

Risks That Come With Leaving the Cat Alone!

When you leave most of the time your kitties will be sleeping and resting. But, their behavior can change and they can get into things that they normally might not.

Some other risks that come along with leaving the cats alone at home are:

  • Chemicals
  • Poisonous plants
  • Dangling cables
  • Plastic bags
  • Eating a part of a toy


Cats can:

  • get stuck in a closet or room
  • knock over their water
  • eat all their food in one day
  • have a vomit or potty accident that needs cleaned up
  • or worse, have a medical emergency when no one is around.

They won’t reveal what’s going inside them but as a responsible pet owner, hiring a friendly cat sitter is the best option. And yes! Cats do enjoy a human company, and play session that ensures a forever happy feline!


How Long Can My Kitty Live Alone?

Cats need less attention and human interaction than dogs. However, most cats do not like being alone for long amounts of time.

  • An adult cat less then 24 hours is fine.
  • A Kitten 12-24 hours is okay. 
  • But if you have a business meeting or vacay outside of  Lakeland + Mulberry, leaving them alone for 2+ days leaving them alone with out a check in is not safe.

Horror Stories

  • We have heard horror stories of cats left alone that :
  • getting locked in to the closet when a client was packing and then didn’t have any access to food, water or litter
  • The house cleaner leaving out a cleaner chemical that the cat got into while clients were away
  • A boy kitty became unable to pee and the toxins built up in his system, his bladder burst and he passed away within 1 day.
  • A cat getting locked into the kids room and peeing all over the bed since there was no litter box
  • The neighbor not checking on the cat when they said they would
  • The kid that was supposed to come over opened the door too wide and the kitty ran out.

…and the list could go on and on.

Why Hire a Cat Sitter In Lakeland, Fl?

Hiring an expert cat sitter for your lonely cat can do wonders for both of you. 

  • A cat sitter will feed your baby at the right time or their wet food when you want
  • Provide necessary medication, as needed
  • No need to worry about cleaning or monitoring the litter box – they have that covered
  •  Won’t get thirsty while you are away- cats love and need fresh water daily
  • During the night, house lights can be turned on and off
  • Get the drapes opened and closed
  • Trash and Recycling brought in/out
  • Cats can play, cuddle, and have fun with human friends
  • PLUS, get an update after EACH visit with pictures to know your cats are happy + safe!

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  1. Hadi

    Thank for Sharing this article. This articles is awesome.


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