Ask a Vet Tech Series: Distemper Vaccine DHPP Dog

September 25, 2020
Amber Van Denzen
Ask A Veterinary Nurse Series:
What is the DHPP vaccines for dogs and do they need it? ( and what is that L that is sometimes there too?)
Big Facts:
  • Comes in a 1 year or 3 year vaccine
  • Most Dog need the 1 year vaccine for 3 years, and then a Local Lakeland or Mulberry Vet will offer a 3 year- but it is a case, by case situation and a Veterinarians choice., shared food + water bowls
  • D- Distemper Virus: is spread in saliva, nasal, placenta .
  • H-Hepititis Virus:is spread in the feces, urine, blood, saliva, and nasal discharge of infected dogs.
  • P-Parvo Virus: is spread in the feces or items that could carry the feces- clothing, soil, etc.
  • P-Parainfluenza Virus
All of these have no cure, but secondary symptoms and infections can be controlled by a trained Veterinary Professional to help with potential survival rate.
Disclaimer: I am not a Veterinarian. I was a Veterinary Technician and worked in the Veterinary Field from 2005-2018 in General Practices and Emergency in multiple cities throughout Florida and have an Animal Science Degree from the University of Florida.
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Ask A Vet Nurse: DHPP Vaccine for Dogs?

Ask A Veterinary Nurse Series:What is the DHPP vaccines for dogs and do they need it? ( and what is that L that is sometimes there too?)www.AttaBoyAnimalCare.comProfessional Pet Sitters

Posted by Atta Boy Animal Care – Pet Sitting + Dog Walking on Tuesday, September 8, 2020

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