Dog Music and Apps on your Alexa!
In your home she has many useful applications- Alexa that is. So we found some for Pet Owners! Keep reading to see the skills Alexa has to help your Pet Family-
A few years ago I was reluctant about more tech in my home- but after my MIL (Mother In Law) gave us one as a gift- I have found myself enjoying many of Alexa and her help more and more ( #MomBrain!) ! We mostly use Alexa for Reminders and Music in our house- but always put on music when we leave the house- for the DOGS!
At Atta Boy! Animal Care we teach our pet sitters add sound into our clients Lakeland + Mulberry homes for two reasons:
1. Relaxation of the pets- sometimes it can be TOO quiet! Especially if your pet is USED to a loud home.
2. Security of the home – it makes it look more ‘lived in’ while clients are away and can deter the bad guys from making your home a target. We don’t want Sheriff Grady Judd from Polk County Sheriffs Office to get involved!
This sound we speak of can be many things: TV, Netflix, Radio, CD’s… and yes, ALEXA.
What is ALEXA exactly?
Fancy words: She is Amazon’s cloud-based voice service platform that powers an entire smart device ecosystem.
Simple terms: Alexa can respond to simple questions,has entertainment such as games and stories, set reminders, alarms,play music and more!
After year of playing around and only using Amazon Alexa for her basica abilities, I found ways how it also helps me as a pet owner.
Turns out there are tons of Alexa skills – and they continue to add new ones – that can help people become better pet owners. And for us, better pet sitters, dog walkers, cat sitters, dog babysitter, or whatever you want to call us!
So below are some of my favorite Alexa features for dogs and their humans.
Use the following Commands:
“Alexa, launch JustAnswer Dog Help”
Just Answer is a question and answer veterinary Alexa skills. It provides on-demand answers from skilled dog specialists and veterinarians instead of making you wait for answers or giving you answers pulled from Wikipedia.
Once installed and activated, all you need to do is ask Alexa a question about your dog. Alexa will then scan the skill for the answer to see if it’s already in the database of thousands of professionally answered questions. Don’t get confused thinking that this is a l
“Alexa, play comfort my dog”
“Alex, play relax my cat”,
“Alex, play classical for pets”
Alex, open Puppy Jams” ( Personal FAVORITE!)
Great Music Channels for pets-music specifically selected for pet and the tone range that calms them.All work well on Cats or other animals as well!
“Alexa, open dog summer safety tips”
We have already headed out of summer by now, but it’s never too early to start brushing up on your dog summer safety tips for next summer. Developed by RichLin, the skill is activated by simply asking Alexa to “open Dog Summer Safety Tips” and she’ll give you some great tips on how you can keep your dog safer when temperatures start to soar again, how to keep a dog cool and protect from the sun, among many other advice.
Even if you think you already know everything there is to know about summer safety for dogs, this is a good refresher and a great way to teach others who are less receptive to advice how to be a better dog parent.
“Alexa, open Al the Dog Trainer”
Al the Dog Trainer is an Alexa skill developed by a team from Longoriahaus Dog Training (a Houston-based dog training company) that’s designed to work just as though you had a dog trainer right there to help you tackle your dog’s problem behaviors. To use this skill, just ask the Al dog trainer your dog training question and it gets delivered right to him. From here, Al will work on a solution to your training question that works for you and your dog and you can tune in to his live Facebook show every Wednesday at 8 pm. CT. to get the answer to your question.
Over time, as Al gets more questions from users of the Al the Dog Trainer skill, the skill will be updated and you will get instant access to many of your questions. Basically, the more people use these Alexa skills and participate in questions, the quicker the database grows, making it a free-to-access instant Q&A from a professional dog trainer. I love this idea because it helps you to contribute to the development of a skill and you get to help other dog owners learn how to tackle problem behaviors that you’ve faced before.
Don’t Have an Alexa but want one now? Snag one here with free Shipping:
( yes, it is an affiliate link to keep our Tails- Waggin!)